Choose Love Podcast!

     Last April, my co-writer Andrea Ackerly and I were invited to appear on the Choose Love Podcast. Our book, if you aren’t familiar, is called The Dove Who Inspired Beyond Barbed Wire. 

The book is about the life and teachings of Dr. Viktor Frankl. Andrea is a trained counselor and I am trained in neurodevelopment. We wanted to write a book for a younger audience and felt we could do this in an age-appropriate way. Scarlett Lewis heard about the book and long story short, she invited us onto her Podcast! We were over the moon to get the invite and to speak to Scarlett! She admires Dr. Frankl and her life and teachings are inspirational too.

 It seems like yesterday, but I wanted to share the podcast for anyone who missed it. Here is the link: 

Choose Love Podcast on Spotify

#112 – Andrea Ackerly & Kimberly JB Smith, Learn How To Have Hard Conversations With Your Kids by ChooSELove Movement

Podcast #112 April 19, 2024

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